

Following the success of our events In London, Boston, Miami and San Francisco, Influence People is hosting a one-day social media monitoring conference in New York on 4th November, followed by a half-day training bootcamp on 5th November.
Monitoring Social Media (New York) will bring together leading brands, PR and marketing experts to discuss the latest ideas, trends and techniques in social media monitoring and measurement.  Though a series of presentations, panels and expert-led discussions, we will explore the critical issues that marketers and PR professionals are facing in their efforts to monitor their social media interactions.

Topics we will cover include:

The conference will be fully interactive with presentations, case studies, Q & A sessions and panel discussions. There will also be an Exhibition Area including many of the leading social media monitoring and measurement tools and services. The ticket price includes lunch (optional), refreshments and a handbook and networking drinks at the end of the day.

Monitoring Social Media Bootcamp – 5th November

Monitoring Social Media Bootcamp is the ultimate “how to” training event for companies and organisations seeking to monitor the social web and measure the effects of their interactions. Through a series of practical workshops, hosted by some of the world’s leading social media monitoring experts, attendees will learn how to use the latest technologies and techniques to maximise their returns from social media and minimise the risks to their brand and reputation.

You can buy your Bootcamp ticket along with your Conference ticket here, or separately on the Monitoring Bootcamp New York website.

Programme Highlights

Katie Delahaye Paine, CEO & founder - KDPaine & Partners LLC

The rise in the influence of social media has turned the entire communications paradigm upside down. Counting column inches and eyeballs is irrelevant in an era where a single YouTube video enjoys a larger audience than the World Series. We have lots of good ways to measure what human beings read, watch and see, but how can we track actions and engagement? In this insightful session Katie will discuss a variety of elements of engagement that include; quantitative and qualitative metrics.

Cory Hartlen - Radian6

In this session, Cory will present the key elements of a strategic and scalable listening and engagement program for your company. He’ll give you tips on setting goals for listening, designing an engagement strategy, and some key metrics to track, as well as some takeaway questions for you to design a listening program for your own organization.

Trey Pennington - Synthesio

“Your brand is what your customers say it is!” The challenge is: What categories or models exist to help marketers understand what all those online citizens are saying? The researchers at Synthesio analyzed a massive amount of online chatter on social media, forums, and traditional media to construct four brand personalities. Trey will present the framework and give examples of how companies can use this to understand where they are and what they can do to enhance their personality online.

Chase McMichael -

Keyword-based social monitoring tools are difficult to optimize for targeted content delivery. They can also be difficult to use. In this session you will learn how, by leveraging your customers’ “Content Consumption Graph” you can not only deliver more relevant content but also dramatically boost engagement with that content. You will also see how advanced social intelligence techniques can deliver detailed graphs with insightful audience data.

Tezza Yujuico, co-founder of Athena East

Join Tezza in this session on how to monitor a product launch via social media. From tools, workflow, conversation trees to reporting, she’ll show you how to build a nimble yet comprehensive program that will yield actionable insights from your data.

Jodee Rich - PeopleBrowsr

In this informative session, Jodee will guide you on how to identify and effectively engage with target markets through an in-depth analysis of conversation around the brand. Historical and real-time analytics reveal who’s talking about a brand, what they’re talking about, and in what way. Customers can now be understood and targeted based on psychographic, attitudinal, behavioural and lifestyle preferences – not simply on self-proclaimed profiles. Jodee will also discuss what’s working (coupons, social online and offline experiences, exclusive information) and what’s not working with today’s social consumer.

Giles Palmer - Brandwatch

Giles will quickly walk you through the basic social media techniques such as query creation, data cleaning and the rules of engagement in social spaces. Then, using case studies, he will talk in more detail about how to take this data and sculpt a process and supporting tool to fit it into the structured world of the Corporation.

Wendi Caplan-Carroll – Constant Contact

Many of the tools for monitoring social media have been designed “by Geeks for Geeks”, or for Enterprise clients with a full time marketing team. But small business owners have different objectives and metrics for success. Most importantly, they have very little time in the day to devote to social media marketing. In this session, Mark will share how small businesses can effectively leverage and measure their social media marketing efforts without having to waste a lot of time.

Seth Grimes - Business Analytics Strategist, Plana Corporation

Sentiment – opinions and attitudes, feelings and emotions – is the genie in the social-media bottle, the key to understanding customers and communities. But it’s difficult to get right. There are many automated solutions, some quite weak, but also stand-outs and emerging best practices that can help business to turn online sentiment into insight and profit. Learn why and how from analytics expert Seth Grimes, one of the leading industry analysts covering text analytics and semantics.

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Event Information

Tickets can only be booked online with a credit or debit card. You do not need a Paypal or Google Checkout account to buy a ticket.

Ticket Terms

What’s included in the price?

Who’s coming?
