

Following the success of our events In London, Influence People is hosting a one-day social media monitoring conference in San Francisco

Monitoring Social Media (San Francisco) will bring together leading brands, PR and marketing experts to discuss the latest ideas, trends and techniques in social media monitoring and measurement. Though a series of presentations, panels and expert-led discussions, we will explore the critical issues that marketers and PR professionals are facing in their efforts to monitor their social media interactions.

The conference will be fully interactive with presentations, case studies, Q & A sessions and panel discussions. There will also be an Exhibition Area including many of the leading social media monitoring and measurement tools and services. The ticket price includes lunch (optional), refreshments and a handbook and networking drinks at the end of the day.

Monitoring Social Media Bootcamp is the ultimate “how to” training event for companies and organisations seeking to monitor the social web and measure the effects of their interactions. Through a series of practical workshops, hosted by some of the world’s leading social media monitoring experts, attendees will learn how to use the latest technologies and techniques to maximise their returns from social media and minimise the risks to their brand and reputation.

You can buy your Bootcamp ticket along with your Conference ticket here, or separately on the Monitoring Bootcamp San Francisco website

Google recently released a real-time firehose of all the public data in Google Buzz. In this session Timothy will explore how to use large continuous data sets for comprehensive monitoring of public social spaces. He will look at open standards emerging for managing and transporting data, as well as both simple and advanced tools for consumption and analysis.
Imagine everything that you said at a cocktail party could be parsed, analyzed and categorized as a ‘positive,’ neutral’ or ‘negative’ comment? How accurate do you think the categorization would be? Social media monitoring is an emerging practice, but if used with standard Web tracking the combined findings are more reliable and actionable. In this session Jennifer will look at some of the largest technology companies and the complimentary tools they use to get the information they need for measurable success.
Implementing a social media listening and engagement campaign is a grand undertaking – whether you’re a small business or worldwide enterprise. eBay has just begun to take this project head on, and they’re willing to share the lessons they’ve been learning along the way. What prompted the company to start monitoring social media, how they decided on the best way to go about it, how they’re measuring results and how they’re acting on those results, are all topics that will be covered in this session
The time you chose to post messages or engage with your audience can have a material impact on social media outcomes. In this session we’ll look at how different audiences and different types of conversations appear at different times and how to makes sense of these dynamics. We’ll discuss how you can use monitoring to research, measure, and plan the right time to run campaigns or engage with your audience.
While the local consumer is flourishing with social media (Google Maps, Yelp, ratings, reviews), the small business has struggled to keep up; particularly with social media monitoring and reputation management. In this presentation Matt will explain how small businesses can shift the balance of power by addressing three primary needs: Online Presence Management, Relationship Management, and Quality Lead Generation.
Many of the tools for monitoring social media have been designed “by Geeks for Geeks” or for Enterprise clients with a full time marketing team. But small business owners have different objectives and metrics for success. Most importantly, they have very little time in the day to devote to social media marketing. In this session, Mark will share how small businesses can effectively leverage and measure their social media marketing efforts without having to waste a lot of time.
As the use of social monitoring grows, companies are capturing fascinating data. But translating that data into useful dashboards isn’t trivial. In this presentation, Gary will describe the 3C’s of effective dashboarding: culling the data effectively, classifying it in interesting fashion, and building the right context to make the data useful. You’ll see real-world examples of how the data can be organized to communicate key information and learn what to expect and demand from your social media team.