

Following the success of our events In London, Influence People is hosting a one-day social media monitoring conference in Boston on 5th October.
Monitoring Social Media (Boston) will bring together leading brands, PR and marketing experts to discuss the latest ideas, trends and techniques in social media monitoring and measurement.  Though a series of presentations, panels and expert-led discussions, we will explore the critical issues that marketers and PR professionals are facing in their efforts to monitor their social media interactions.
The conference will be fully interactive with presentations, case studies, Q & A sessions and panel discussions. There will also be an Exhibition Area including many of the leading social media monitoring and measurement tools and services. The ticket price includes lunch (optional), refreshments and a handbook and networking drinks at the end of the day.

Programme Highlights

Competitive intelligence, aka legally spying on your competitors, is a new opportunity in business. Discover what channels your competitors are using to drive traffic online, determine the impact of their campaigns, and gain insights ordinary social media monitoring tools cannot provide. This presentation will provide actionable examples from some of the biggest brands to help you learn how competitive intelligence can give you an advantage over your social media competitors.
Many of the tools for monitoring social media have been designed “by Geeks for Geeks”, or for Enterprise clients with a full time marketing team. But small business owners have different objectives and metrics for success. Most importantly, they have very little time in the day to devote to social media marketing. In this session, Mark will share how small businesses can effectively leverage and measure their social media marketing efforts without having to waste a lot of time.
The rise in the influence of social media has turned the entire communications paradigm upside down. Counting column inches and eyeballs is irrelevant in an era where a single YouTube video enjoys a larger audience than the World Series. We have lots of good ways to measure what human beings read, watch and see, but how can we track actions and engagement? In this insightful session Katie will discuss a variety of elements of engagement that include; quantitative and qualitative metrics.
With the huge number of threads and conversations in social media, how are companies supposed to keep track of what’s important? (Let alone use it as actionable intelligence?) In this presentation Keith focuses on how to ‘clean up’ data and how to make it more relevant at the organizational, departmental and individual level, what to look for in tools to help you accomplish this and how to turn charts and analysis into a social media strategy.
There is no doubt that social media offers value-add for marketers, but how do they measure it? Social Media Monitoring platforms such as Radian6, Sysomos and Brandwatch offer insights into online mentions, and tools like Compete provide competitive intelligence, but neither show how it translates into revenue or ties in to your marketing channels. In this no-nonsense session Marshal will highlight what you need to do in order to measure your social media activities against your goals
Sentiment – opinions and attitudes, feelings and emotions – is the genie in the social-media bottle, the key to understanding customers and communities. But it’s difficult to get right. There are many automated solutions, some quite weak, but also stand-outs and emerging best practices that can help business to turn online sentiment into insight and profit. Learn why and how from analytics expert Seth Grimes, one of the leading industry analysts covering text analytics and semantics.
When it comes to reliably ranking a person’s online influence, analyzing the number of connections or followers that person has on a single network just won’t do. While social networks have become an important method of discovering relevant content, understanding the people behind the content is crucial to gaining accurate insights. In this session, Carol will explain how Postrank is working to identify individual experts and influencers, and provide an effective mechanism to track and measure their engagement.
Pioneering academic associations and pharmaceutical companies are leveraging social media monitoring to rapidly share breaking clinical data and to improve the attendee experience at medical congresses. In this case study Aafia Chaudhry will explore the impact that social media monitoring made at this year’s American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, describing how clinicians, academia, and the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry have used social media monitoring and providing a framework for best practice.